When G-d Answers Your Prayers
During the Yamim Noraim (High Holidays) season this year, The Layers Project will be focusing on the concept of “Cheshbon Hanefesh”-...

Ten Things I Wish I Said Sooner
I will start with this: I am 31 and I just got married. The last 10 years of my life have been wonderful, meaningful, exciting, and......

The Complexity of Compatibility
In my experience, we often get stuck in the idea that to be right for each other, two people need to be like each other. We figure, this...

Emunah (Faith) in Dating
The Hebrew word for faith is emunah. Having emunah is something that I struggle with in general. I want to feel like I am in the driver’s...

Orthodox and Single: The Community Needs to Try Harder
Let’s talk about what it’s like to be single in the Jewish Modern Orthodox Community. In just a few months I’ll turn 30 years old. That...

A Lesson in Assumptions, From My Kitchen
My grandparents were Nazi hunters. Well, at least we thought they were. My grandfather “found escaped Nazi’s” all over the world on his...

Self Care in a Toxic Time
If you are like me, your news feeds are overflowing with negativity. Images of angry people with torches, white sheets and hate filled...

Personal and National Redemption on Tishaa Ba’av
I feel so raw today. Tonight is Tishaa Ba'av, and this fast is definitely one of the hardest days of the year for me. Not just because I...

The Things We Thought We knew
This week, we are beginning the time period called, “The Nine Days.” These are the days that precipitate the historical destruction of...

Put Women Back in Orthodox Media
I’ve noticed this trend for a while. First I saw magazines that were dedicated to Jewish women, having as a rule, no pictures of women....